CTI 2017
05.12. – 06.12.2017
CTI – Symposium - Berlin
The International CTI Symposium, with its affiliated specialist exhibition "Transmission Expo," is THE event in Europe for people seeking the latest information on technological developments in automotive transmissions. Furthermore, the topic of electromobility has drawn additional special attention this year.
In December 2017, 1,500 experts from almost 30 countries met for the 17th time, in Berlin, to discuss the latest developments surrounding automotive transmissions and hybrid and electric drives. Konzelmann GmbH was also once again present as an exhibitor. The extended area of the Estrel Hotel in Berlin offered the perfect opportunity to present our products and to provide information to interested parties. This symposium also offers the ideal forum to foster connections, to receive new inspiration, and to exchange and debate these in discussions.
Another very successful event!