Our aim is to have highly satisfied customers. The high quality of our products and service is therefore a top-priority company goal. The customer sets the standard for our quality. The customers' opinion about our products and services is what matters the most.
Principle 2
Our quality objective is "zero errors" and "100% correct". This not only improves quality, but also lowers the costs. Quality increases the safety of our customers' products. It is a crucial to profitability and safeguards our competitiveness and thus our jobs.
Every employee of the company helps us to realize our quality objectives. It is therefore the duty of every employee, from apprentice to managing director, to deliver the best work he or she can. Anyone who recognizes a quality risk and cannot eliminate it within their scope of responsibility is obliged to inform their superior immediately.
Only by constant measurement of our process results are we able to monitor and continuously improve our process quality. To achieve this, the management regularly gathers and evaluates information. The results help to continuously improve the efficacy of our QM system.
Both the defects and their causes must be eliminated. Defect prevention has priority over correction of defects.
Realizing our quality objectives is an important management duty. The opinion and satisfaction of our employees is therefore essential. Only satisfied employees are able to achieve the required level of quality.
The quality of our products also depends on the quality of our purchased parts. You should therefore demand the highest quality from our suppliers and support them in pursuing our shared quality objectives.
The Konzelmann Quality Policy - as well as that of the entire QM system - is constantly checked for efficacy and suitability and improved in line with regular internal audits. In order to ensure that quality and process objectives are met, employees are trained with regard to customer-specific product requirements and safety aspects. This must be documented.
To help conserve the environment, Konzelmann strives to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency, as well as utilize renewable energy supplies. Our employees are our most important partners in protecting the environment. They are trained and instructed about the impact of their activities on the environment. We provide our employees with comprehensive information about the environment to encourage them to act in an ecologically responsible way.
Please note our Code of Conduct for further information.
Thank you very much upholding and continuously developing these principles.
Löchgau, 01/01/2022
Milko Konzelmann
Managing Director